Contact Us

Questions, comments, suggestions, concerns?

We would love to hear from you! You can contact us by e-mail at or you can message us at the BONK! facebook page.

Interested in performing at BONK!?

If you’re an artist of any ilk — poet, painter, sculptor, dancer, filmmaker, video artist, comedian, singer/songwriter, musician/composer or other (“other” is usually our favorite) — and you’re interested in being featured at BONK! in Racine, WI, then we’d like to hear from you.
E-mail us at with a photo(to be used on our event poster), short bio (80-150 words) and a small sampling of your work so we can get an idea of what you are going to do during your 15-25 minute set.
We typically take at least a month to answer submissions and schedule about 3 months in advance so the sooner you submit the better!